1810 Indenture from Alex Wilson to Hugh Linn

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This Indenture made and Entered into this 23rd Day of August in the year of our Lord, one thousand Eight Hundred and ten. Between Alex Wilson of the Town of Concord, Franklin County and the State of Pennsylvania of the one part and Hugh Linn, Stone Mason of the County and State aforesaid of the other part. [???] that the said [???] Alex Wilson [???] For and in Consideration of the Sum of Twenty three pounds lawful money of the State of Pennsylvania paid to [???] in hand (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged) the said A. Wlison doth grant bargain, sell and convey unto the said Hugh Linn and his Heirs assigns forever a Certain Lot or parcel of Land Situated in Fannet Township Containing sixteen acres and twenty five perches (agreeable to the [???]). Bounded on the South by lands of James Campbell on the [North?] by lands of David Ferguson and on the East, [???], from the Creek to the Back road leading from Concord to Fannetsburg. Together with all the woods, underwoods, water and water[???]es, with all the [app...?] thereunto belonging, unto [???] said Hugh Linn his Heirs or [???] against [???] the said Alex Wilson Deed bearing Date the nineteenth day of November in the year of our Loard one thousand eight hundred and four. (Reference to the Original it will [???] fully appear) to have and to hold the aforesaid property for the only [???] and behalf of the said Hugh Linn his heirs and [???] forever, from [???] the said Alex Wilson his heirs and [???] forever. Whereunto do interchangeably set [my?] land and [???] the day and year above written.

Which Hugh?[edit]

Hugh Linn (1753) was alive in 1810, but was a farmer. His son Hugh Linn II, 25 years old in 1810, was a stone mason. Presumbly he is the Hugh receiving this land. If so, then this was not land that the elder Hugh Linn ever lived on.


  • James Campbell's land is not listed in the warrants for Fannett township, but a David Campbell did receive Fannet land along the creek in 1822[2]. The survey is shown here.
  • David Ferguson--mentioned as being directly north of Hugh's lands--accepted a warrant for a 230 acre plot of land in Fannett township in 1816[3]. The survey is shown here.


  1. Deed Book 9, page 122. Retrieved by Genealogist Ann Hull on 5/13/2013, from either the Franklin Co courthouse or historical society
  2. Pennsylvania Warrant Registers, 1733-1957. series #17.88
  3. Pennsylvania Warrant Registers, 1733-1957. series #17.88